Sunday, February 14, 2010

Random. Still trying to figure this out... hehe

So today is not only valentine's day, but it's also the beginning of a lunar new year. Usually, I am ALMOST as superstitious as my parents on this day. Every year (since I was 13) I would wash all my laundry, clean my room, and finish all my homework to begin the year on a fresh new slate. It would usually start with my mom and I going to temple. I loved it because it would feel somewhat spiritually rejuvenating.

Although the beginning of this year turned out to be different, I will still carry on through the year and be mindful of my goals and priorities. I am anticipating the things that will come this year, because I know that this will be one of the most life changing years of my life. It will possibly determine where I will be for the next 4 or more years. Even though this is a scary feeling, the feeling of not knowing what's going to happen, it's still exciting. Every big step comes with a big risk, and sometimes we take those risks blindingly in hopes that it will follow through the way we plan. I've learned that, most times, it might not be what we plan.. and not to expect LIFE to go out as a PLAN. That may just lead to disappointment. I just keep in mind that whatever happens, will happen. It is what it is, and in the end.. everything will be okay. :)


Love can be one of the best feelings in the world. And no matter what it is, it's always there in some shape or form. You just have to find it, appreciate it, and take in all the greatness it can bring. Love can be the driving force that you need to fulfill your biggest dreams. It just needs to be tendered to and cared for. Just remember to recognize and keep in mind of all the things you love. My username is actually named after "love" haha. "OliveAve"... "I love avenue" ( I know, I'm kinda corny.. just a little. :P) But when you want to be in a good mood, and if you're feeling down; just remind yourself of all the things you love! <3


I want to start posting pictures, and I probably will very soon. As soon as I finish my lab reports, and start studying. Physics 2 is really kicking my behind this semester. Maybe because I don't have much balance with my other classes. Except for ceramics. (hopefully I'll get up some pictures from my ceramics class as well!)


  1. awww liz! it was nice eating dim sum with you guys..we need to catch up! it can be like 5th grade all over again hehe hope to see u soon :)

  2. yeah, it was fun stealing your boot!! heheh.. It was all tough love. :) You know what? You, Lan and I should hangout one day!! that would be a reunionnn haha

  3. yup..everyone always pick on me :( im an easy target. haha. yea we should be!its been yearsssss
